Everyone has a favorite type of apple. At JONJ headquarters, some of us prefer Ginger Gold: yellow, crisp, and sweet. Others go for Granny Smith: green, dense, and tart.
We're not fans of the McIntosh: red, tangy, and sour. Jef Raskin was, however, and chose his favorite apple as the name of, ahem, Apple's new personal computer: the Macintosh. (Here we must point out the extra "a" in "Macintosh" and the missing "f" and "Jeff". The latter was removed because Raskin found is superfluous; the former?)
Raskin was put in charge of the initiative that will eventually revolutionize home computing in the late 1970s. However, by the time the Mac made it to the store shelves, he was off the project; some guy named Steve Jobs decided to take over and pushed Jef out. Much of Raskin's ideas for the Mac were replaced... but the name remained.
Better than calling it the Ginger of the Granny, that's for sure.