Gravitational waves were detected recently. Einstein predicted them back in the day, and now scientists have finally found evidence. To quote the New York Times, this discovery "completes his vision of a universe in which space and time are interwoven and dynamic, able to stretch, shrink and jiggle." It's a pretty big deal.
However, this is not the first time gravitational waves have been claimed to be detected. We have to go back to 1969.
Joseph Weber (Jew, despite a rather goyishe name) developed the so-called Weber bars, a device to detect these waves in the late 1960s. The waves were discovered, Weber was lauded... until scientists tried to repeat his experiment, no one was able to detect anything, and the waves' existence was once again put under question.
Nevertheless, Weber's research helped paved the way to the recent discovery, be it 47 years later. That being said...
Now that we know that gravitational waves exist, perhaps Weber did stumble upon them in the first place?