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    Lee Goldberg

    Jew Score:



    October 4, 1972 —

    How are we gonna explain weathermen to future generations? (Err... current generation?)

    Not meteorologists, but specifically weathermen. You see, there were these people who were paid handsome sums of money to go on the television in a specified hour to tell you the weather. No, you couldn't just check the app on their phone. There were no phones. Well, there were phones, but they had no apps. No, they couldn't just check on the Internet. There was no Internet! Are you listening?

    Anyway, to see this weatherman (or woman, let's be correct here; a lot of these weatherpeople were actually good-looking women, due to the belief of television producers that men would tune in to the weather if it was presented by an attractive lady), you would have to watch the local news. Local news was a half-hour program usually airing at 5 or 11 PM, but there were variations. On some channels, 5 and 11 had re-runs of popular sitcoms. A re-run is a simple re-aring of a show. No, they didn't have Netflix! Can we get back to weathermen?

    So, on that local news show, a team of two news anchors (always, always one man, one woman) would tell you the local news (duh) and human interest stories (This man has collected matchboxes for 66 years! This woman breeds pythons in her basement!), and then pause (usually at twenty minutes past the hour) to pass it to the weatherperson. And that weatherperson (we finally got here!) will show you the map of the local area and tell you the forecast for tomorrow. Never mind that the local area is sometimes rather large and the forecast in one corner might mean nothing in the other.

    After the weather segment was over, the anchors would kick it off to sports, which was the only way for you to know the scores of games that happened TWENTY FOUR HOURS ago!

    Verdict: Jew.

    January 10, 2022

    See Also

    Liz Cho

    Frank and Storm Field

    Irv Gikofsky

    Hurricane Isaac

    Warner Wolf
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.