In a recent film, a young man (Barry, played by Jerry Seinfeld) falls for a gorgeous shiksa (Vanessa, played by Renee Zellweger, hold your disbelief).
Of course, there is a problem. No, our young hero is not concerned that he is a bee while the object of his affection is a human. He is concerned that Vanessa is not Jewish... make that Beeish. What would his mother think!
For yes, the Bee World created by Seinfeld comes with Jewish bees, specifically Barry's mother and father, Helen and Morty Janet and Marty. They want nothing more for their son that to get a good career in the honey industry. And a Beeish wife. That goes without saying.
We don't want to spoil the ending for those who didn't see the movie, but no, Barry and Vanessa do not become a couple. Religious differences are sometimes just too hard to overcome, even for cartoon characters.