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    About the Jew Score
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    Jenna Fischer

    Jew Score:



    March 7, 1974 —

    We used to love "The Office". We once wrote a whole profile arguing the merits of Pam vs Karen (an argument that has since been clearly settled on TV, but not among our staff). We even went out of our way to profile the marginal Toby.

    And why did we love "The Office"? Well, because it reminded us of our job. Because Michael was every stupid, arrogant buffoon boss we've ever had. Because Jim, stuck in a job he hated, pining for the girl he couldn't have, reminded us of ourselves. Because we laughed and cringed. And yes, because of Pam (and Karen. Can't forget Karen).

    But now? Now, "The Office" is different. Michael might still be a stupid and arrogant buffoon, but he is now likable. Yes, he still has his cringe moments, but they all seem repeats of events past. In fact, we now root for him over Jim, who, once he got what he wanted, is sliding further and further on that slippery slope to unlikability. And Pam (Karen is long gone)? Pam, who started off as Jim's (and our) muse, is now just plain annoying.

    And we're not saying a show and its characters shouldn't change during its run. G-d knows, if it stayed static through all these years, we'd probably complain about that. But we miss the old Office. We miss the complete idiocy of Michael. We miss the unresolved sexual tension between Jim and Pam.

    Yet we still watch, marriage, baby and all.

    Of course, you're not here to read about our thoughts about sitcoms, but rather to find out if Jenna Fischer, the actress who plays Pam, is Jewish.

    She is not.

    Verdict: Not a Jew.

    March 4, 2010

    See Also

    Steve Carell

    Toby Flenderson

    Rashida Jones

    John Krasinski

    B. J. Novak
    © Jew or Not Jew, 2006-2025.