There's just no way around this, is there?
We'd love to talk about Pee-wee's popular children's television program. OK, we found it annoying and insipid but most people liked it. Even thought it was smart and innovative. In which case we'd give Pee-wee a K of a 5.
Or we could discuss Pee-wee the movie star. His movie (still insipid, still annoying) was certainly delightfully strange like any good Tim Burton movie. And lots of people loved it, box office returns notwithstanding. In which case we'd probably throw Pee-wee a K of 4.
And it's not like he's disappeared since then. We didn't watch Murphy Brown, but we hear he was good in it. He's been a generally pleasant surprise in his other TV and movie cameos (Batman Returns and Buffy the Vampire Slayer come to mind). In that way, he's got almost a cult following, which means he'd be solid with a K of 3.
We'd like to talk about all those things. Especially about a funny (annoying, insipid), unique, full-blooded (name changing) Jew.
But we can't. Because then we have to talk about the other thing. So we give Pee-wee a K of 2.
And then we reconsider, move him back to a 3, and move on.